What is your vision? Do you wake up everyday with hope, motivation, and the expectation that today will be better than yesterday? Or are you frustrated, fearful, and filled with anxiety about the future of your team and your image as a doctor? These are powerful and common emotions that many of us experience; they contribute to our vision both positively and negatively. We must ask ourselves, "am I living my best life both personally and professionally?" The truth lies within. The primary goal of Vityl is to help you "live your best life" by developing ethical and entrepreneurial leaders in our profession who are in control of their practice and personal destiny. At Vityl we are your personal change agents, equal parts mentor, coach, advisor, and confidant.
Vityl Management was co-founded by Dr. Thomas Kang and Ms. Claire Dickinson with the goal of making the experience of owning a dental practice more enjoyable, profitable, and fulfilling. They bring a highly-skilled pedigree that includes graduate-level training in Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Organizational Management and Business Management.
Vityl is designed to service dentists that are interested in realizing their vision as practice owners through start-up opportunities. Vityl also works with dentists who are already owners who want to enhance their leadership and skills as an owner/operator to improve patient satisfaction and the bottom line of their practice. We believe you can have it all. An amazing life centered around work/life balance, an excellent reputation in your community, a team that supports your vision, and an income that will allow you to pursue your interests outside of dentistry.
Meet our Principals
Thomas Kang, DDS
We all have the same basic wants and needs; significance, purpose, connection, a feeling of contribution, and the satisfaction of meeting our obligations. These wants and needs are the reason we get up each day. My goal in founding Vityl is to leverage my experience to help fellow dentists reach higher heights, with less effort and more direct routes than those I have taken in realizing my own vision for practice and financial success. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to help you achieve your goals for life-long success.
Claire Dickinson, MS
Working as a dental assistant and aspiring hygienist, I discovered a passion for the impact a well-coordinated dental team can have on those we serve. Although my career arc never led me to become a dental hygienist, my true calling is to share with others how enjoyable and meaningful this career can be. Tom and I have had a decade-long professional relationship where our kindred desire to nurture other professionals led to the founding of Vityl Management.